Drivers Wanted

CDL Hunter partners with top carriers nationwide, providing unbeatable job opportunities. Our focus on retention and job satisfaction ensures you find your perfect match!

A few of our many partners are below. Apply Now to gain access to all of them!


Hear what people are saying


Partner with Top Carriers Nationwide

Tired of endless job applications? Our personalized approach means we review your application together one-on-one, offering tailored positions. Dedicated to your career growth, we guide you through the hiring process with support along the way. Say goodbye to multiple applications – with us, it's one application, one call, and countless opportunities!


Carriers Solutions

Join the CDL Hunter revolution! Our social media presence captivates 26 million people monthly, with 18% actively engaged. is tech-savvy, ensuring seamless access for drivers on the go. It's like having a personal career coach in your pocket! We analyze drivers' aspirations, employing cutting-edge algorithms to boost job satisfaction and retention rates. Happier drivers, longer stays, and less turnover await you!

Expert & Honest Service Since 2006

Start Your Truck Driving Career with CDL Hunter

CDL Hunter is your go-to partner for a successful truck driving career. Since 2006, we have provided expert and honest service to drivers and carriers across the United States.

Personalized Job Matching
CDL Hunter reviews each application personally, using unique algorithms to match drivers with career opportunities that align with their personal and professional goals, ensuring better job satisfaction.
Extensive Carrier Network
We partner with hundreds of carriers across the United States, offering drivers a wide range of job opportunities and helping carriers reduce driver turnover by finding the right fit for their needs.
Robust Online Presence
Our website is built with the latest mobile-responsive and SEO technology, making it easy for drivers to access from their mobile devices. Additionally, our thriving social media platforms reach millions, generating leads and engaging with our audience organically.
Exceptional Customer Reviews
CDL Hunter has received numerous 5-star reviews on Google, with drivers praising our friendly and helpful service, personalized guidance, and commitment to ensuring their job satisfaction.


We have worked with thousands of amazing people

“Amazing! My family is now in good hands now, thanks to cdl hunter! Shout out to Jeramy!! He’s extremely helpful and friendly, he helped me from day one alllll the way to month three to get me where I wanted to be with my new driving career. Basically a friendly bad a**!”

Greg Fung

“I have been working with one of the people at CDL Hunter for sometime now and I must Jeremy does a great job of working with someone we had a slow start because of me James States not having a CDL Permit or my Class A CDL but Jeremy stayed with me working with and lifting me up when I was down and I now have my Class A CDL and he has me a job well many jobs too work with so in my book he is the best Jeremy is like my new best friend”

James States

“What I love here is they are not harassed you whit thousands of mail and text. You call them and they will find you what you need. My buddy is Jeremy I really appreciate everything you been doing in my professional career.”

Jonathan Rivera Castro

Sign up with ease

Join the CDL Hunter Family!

Upload your resume and let AI fill out our simple application form for you, then we will call you to guide you to the best job opportunities that match your goals.

Fast and straightforward sign-up process
Our user-friendly application form lets you sign up quickly and easily, ensuring a smooth start to your career journey.
Personalized Job Matching
No annoying calls for jobs you do not want! One call from one person for the jobs that fit your needs and wants.
AI Driven
Our AI analyzes your skills and goals to provide tailored job recommendations, ensuring perfect job matches and long-term satisfaction.
Extensive Carrier Network
Access a vast network of reputable carriers across the US, offering you more job options with top companies in the industry.
Product screenshot

Got a question or want to partner wth us?

We're here to help. Fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. You can call our office at 479-616-1381.


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